Due to the incoming snowstorm, RPC2B will be closed on Tuesday, February 13th. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be operating again tomorrow.

Health Tips

  1. March 30, 2023

    Mayo Clinic review finds LDN can help with fibromyalgia

    A new study out of the Mayo Clinic (with a partner in South Korea) found that low-dose naltrexone seems both to work just great for combating the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It was already used off-label for that purpose, but the authors wanted to add a dose of science — to “systematically assess the current evidence.”

    Voila! In looking at the studies out there, they found that LDN helped manage the symptoms of fibromyalgia with “no severe adverse events were reported.”

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  2. September 23, 2022

    The Latest News on Breast Cancer and Hormones (Duplicated)

    Get a Free Signed Copy of Dr. Pam Smith’s New Book at Community Clinical Pharmacy!

    ZRT Laboratory and Community Clinical Pharmacy, are excited to host internationally known practitioner and speaker Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, MS, as she discusses women’s hormones and signs copies of her new book:

    "What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones: Your Guide to Natural Hormone Treatments for PMS, Menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS, and More” (2nd edition)

    This book is so full of information that the references are now online. They would not fit the book!

    All the hormones in the body are a symphony. Much like an orchestra must play in tune, the patient’s hormonal symphony must be in tune throughout her life for her to have optimal health. Hormonal dysfunction can occur at any age.

    Please stop by Community Clinical Pharmacy to meet Dr. Smith, get a free signed copy of her book, and have all your questions answered.

    Free and open to the public!

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  3. August 19, 2022

    A Practical Guide to Taking CoQ10

    Addressing Energy Production and Overall Health

    CoQ10 or coenzyme Q10 is an essential nutrient found in every cell in the body. CoQ10 plays an important role in making energy in the cells and protecting the body against free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 helps provide the energy for the healthy function of your heart, brain, muscles, kidneys, and other tissues.

    CoQ10 is extremely helpful in strengthening the contraction of the heart muscle. As a pharmacist, I see many individuals taking medications that tend to lower the body’s Coq10 level. It is common to have a low CoQ10 level when using cholesterol-lowering medications called statins. Thirteen controlled studies conducted between 1990–2004 demonstrated significant drops in CoQ10 levels, due to the use of statin medications. Acid blockers, some blood pressure medications, and certain diabetes medications are some of the other drugs that lower coenzyme Q10 levels.

    Source: NIH

    In addition, after the age of 35 to

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  4. June 14, 2022

    Choosing the Best Compounding Pharmacy for Addressing Thyroid Disease

    Thyroid Disease Overview

    Thyroid disease is very common, with an estimated 20 million people in the United States having some type of thyroid disorder. A woman is about five to eight times more likely to be diagnosed with a thyroid condition than a man.

    Many of the following symptoms of hypothyroidism are experienced by patients including:

    • Weight gain
    • Cold and heat intolerance (cold hands and feet)
    • Fatigue
    • Slowed metabolism
    • Memory and concentration impairment
    • Fluid retention
    • Constipation
    • Dry skin and/or hair
    • Depression
    • Low sexual desire
    • Headaches, Migraines
    • Irregular menstrual cycles
    • PMS
    • Enlarged tongue
    • Swollen neck
    • Deep voice
    • Infertility
    • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
    • High Cholesterol and Triglycerides
    • Nervousness, Anxiety and Irritability
    • Hyperactivity – you may find it hard to stay still and have a lot of nervous energy

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