Due to the incoming snowstorm, RPC2B will be closed on Tuesday, February 13th. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be operating again tomorrow.

Mens Health

  1. January 16, 2024

    Testosterone pellets for male TRT

    Clinical Liaison – Men’s Health, Revelation Pharma

    The concept of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dates back to the early 1900s. Observations of behavioral changes in castrated roosters formed the foundation of what we know to be hypogonadism or “low T.” The concept of “treat like with like” spurred research and by the mid 1930s, testosterone synthesis began. (1)

    During the 1930s, we saw the initiation of TRT with testosterone propionate injections as well as subcutaneous testosterone pellets.(2) By the mid 1940s, researchers had identified multiple indicators of low testosterone including depression, failing memory, increased fatigability, and reduced libido. We now apply that early research, with improved understanding of physiology and the aging process, to successfully treat millions of men who experience the unwanted effects of low testosterone.

    For years, men were prescribed testosterone

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  2. March 16, 2023

    Heart Health + Hormone Replacement Therapy: Friend or Foe?

    You may already be aware that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. But what you may not know is that cardiovascular disease is not only impacted by factors such as genetics, obesity, or smoking, but also by menopause and andropause.

    The use of hormones to offset the effects of menopause/andropause is an option, but first, we have to clarify why they have had a bad reputation, and what medical research is now showing.

    Hormone replacement therapy is bad!?

    The belief that menopausal women shouldn’t take hormone replacements stemmed from a 2002 study by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Using conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) for the study, the researchers determined that the benefits of HRT were greatly outweighed by the detrimental

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  3. April 06, 2022

    Different Methods of Testing Hormone Levels at Home

    Know Your Hormone Levels and Put Your Health First

    Hormone imbalances can affect both men and women. Symptoms can be minimal, while in many cases they are severe, causing negative effects to one’s quality of life. It is important to get your hormone levels checked and address any deficiencies with a plan of action.

    How Do I Test Hormone Levels?

    There are three easy ways to check specific hormone levels: At-home Saliva Testing, Blood Spot Testing, and Urine Testing.

    Saliva Testing

    Saliva testing is a collection method where patients collect their saliva at home, utilizing swabs and plastic tubes in order to measure hormones like cortisol, estrogens, progesterone, and androgens.

    This non-invasive saliva collection is ideal for patients because it allows them to collect their sample in the privacy of their home or office. Saliva hormone testing has become a useful resource for health care providers and patients around the

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  4. April 02, 2021

    Exploring Age & Liver Spots Treatments

    Reviewing Popular Treatment Options for Age Spots

    As I stand before the mirror, observing the dark spots on my face – light brown, tan, varying in size, mainly on my cheeks, nose, and a few on the back of my hands – I reflect on the persistent quest to eliminate these harmless yet bothersome marks. Age spots, often linked to sun exposure, have led me to explore numerous treatments and products. Here's an overview of some options and their outcomes:


    Some individuals experiment with natural ingredients like lemon juice, oatmeal, or honey on their skin. While harmless, these are unlikely to yield significant results against age spots.

    Chemical Peel

    A safe approach involves professional application of an acid-based solution to remove layers of skin, stimulating the growth of new skin. This may require multiple sessions and carries potential side effects such as scarring, infection, or changes in skin color.

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