On April 10, members of the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, California compounders, and other stakeholders gathered at the California state capitol in Sacramento to spend the day meeting with 21 different offices of the state legislature to address the challenges compounders are facing in the state. Also there was Revelation Pharma’s government affairs associate, Katie Johnston.
On April 10, compounders split into three groups, each of which would meet with seven state legislators of various parties, backgrounds, and influence (and/or their staff). Those meetings ran from 9:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m., and each focused on introducing the the legislator to the world of compounding and to raise attention to issues compounders have with the California Board of Pharmacy.

The message was consistent: Compounders would like to see an increase in accountability and transparency, a designated spot for a compounder on the board, and to address challenges in enforcement.
This messaging is key as the state heads towards their Sunset Review in 2026 — a process the legislature goes through to evaluate the function of the state’s regulatory bodies. Although legislative action won’t take place until 2026, the process starts now as it is tedious and requires input from multiple regulatory and legislative entities.
Revelation Pharma is looking forward to being part of this continued effort and next steps. Along with the members of the initiative, our goal is to preserve and maintain and regulatory environment that protects patients’ access to compounded treatments.
Click here to read more about our advocacy efforts on behalf of compounders and their patients.